Environnemental Policy

Strong commitments towards a responsible policy

These commitments were acknowledged and certified by AFNOR Certification – European Ecological Label

An environment-friendly management of our assets
  • Implementation of a water and energy consumption watching system
  • Installation of low-energy light bulbs
  • Respectful purchasing policy of energy-efficient (with official labels if possible) equipment and hardware, such as computers, washing machines...
  • Strictly controlled waste management

Active waste reduction policy

  • Controlled waste management (waste separation for recycling purposes, plastic water bottles swapped for glass carafes in meeting halls, paper recycling, packaging removal...)
  • Waste volume monitoring

Environmental awareness in purchasing policy

  • Resorting to local providers; great interest is taken in their own procurement methods (meat traceability for example)
  • Implementation of partnerships to support local distribution networtks (market gardeners, etc.)
  • Acting as ambassadors of sustainable development to promote new and responsible ways of consumption (resorting to fair trade for products like coffee, etc.)
  • Building up a responsible offer : organic meals, fair trade meetings...

Sensitisation of our guests and partners

  • Implementation of « Rhéa » communication tools to encourage sustainable development on a daily basis
  • Promoting environment-friendly means of conveyance (public transport, bicycle...) and related facilities (bicycle sheds, dedicated bus lanes, etc.)
  • Presenting our initiative to our fellow citizens (operation « Made in Angers » in 2009)
  • Organising « ethic breaks » four times a year ; meetings about sustainable development, in collaboration with association « Terre de Sciences » and the House of Environment
  • Gathering all our partners and associates around this initiative, by educational means (ecotourism training course, visits to the Emmaüs recycling plant)